Here is where you can keep advised of Invisco’s sales and, in addition, Invisco LLC’s net worth described as the value of Invisco Fracts, a term I coined to be the informal equivalent to stock.

The way they work is simple. I have allocated 10,000,000 fracts to be sold or given away just like stock is sold or given away.

In 2025 I will make an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 10,000,000 shares of stock at which time all fracts will convert 1-1 to shares of stock.

As of today, 11-11-24, Invisco is worth about $300,000 based on sales of $100,000 expected in 2024. That is 30,000,000 pennies. That makes each fract worth 3 pennies.

I am forecasting sales in 2025 of $1,000,000 which will make Invisco worth $3,000,000 and each share of stock worth 30 cents.

In 2026 I forecast sales of $3,300,000 making Invisco worth $10,000,000 and each stock worth $1.00

You can help make YOUR fracts more valuable each day by telling your family and friends about all the Invisco products like those in this list from my book, Inside the Mind of an Inventor.

AND you can make money by helping me sell any or all of the products as an affiliate. Simply email me with subject line “I am ready to be your affiliate” and I will send you the coded email to give you your personal code for all messages you send that result in orders. You will be paid 30% of the sales price as your affiliate commission.

Here is the list

To that list we must add