First, a picture of the latest sales flier for the best rooftop in history, the ES-8000. WHY IS IT THE BEST? It is the first and ONLY whole house fan to pull 8005 CFM. The only other supplier, QuietCool, pulls just 3030 CFM.
Above is the home in Los Angeles that has the first rooftop ever made by Invisco – shipped in 2016.
Here is a picture of that rooftop in production. First, the critical base and shaft bearing assembly using stainless steel precision bearings.
Next, the turbine rain hat that is the heart of the performance. It beats all other American rain hats by offering nearly zero resistance to air flow. This picture shows it upside down so you can see the 4 legged stand and the stainless steel ball bearing assembly that rotates around the 1/2 inch shaft in the center.
Next, the power stage – the modern US Motors EC motor for infinitely variable speeds. EC stands for electronically commutated brushless DC motor. This motor has the remarkable ability to run slowly and at the same time reduce the incoming current in proportion to the speed. So at full speed it pulls 525 watts but at 10% of full speed it pulls just about 100 watts.
Invisco makes two of the best whole house fans you can find. Why?
The Invisco Tornado line of fans offers you both an attic mounted version and a roof mounted version and BOTH fans are the FIRST AND ONLY whole house fans WITH INFINITELY VARIABLE SPEEDS. Infinitely variable speed control means you can run them all night for pennies.
The Invisco Tornado offers you higher air flow at lower power than any other whole house fan. How can we say that?
The rooftop beats all other sources in airflow. In fact, only one other company offers a rooftop mounted whole house fan and that is QuietCool. Here is their rooftop – You can see that it pulls 2,730 CFM at 377 watts (That is the official Certified HVI-916 test result and is the true air flow, the 3,543 CFM is an exaggeration by QuietCool in defiance of the California Energy Commission.)
Invisco also offers an automatic window opener for security and remote control. Why is this important? If you want to turn your whole house fan on before you get home you will need a window open. If you have a single story home that means you cannot lock the whole house. But with the Invisco automatic window the window is opened just enough for air to enter, not a person. And the window is closed until you start the fan.